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Thursday, March 1, 2012

February 18 meeting

Hello folks,

My apologizes for not doing my job a litter earlier than this.  Our last meeting, as you all know was two weeks ago to be exact, on February 18 2012.  Few people came and had short but a great time. As noted in the previous e-mail, Addis led the discussion and shared with us an important point that we all should keep in mind while working hard to accomplish much; sleeping and eating.  Addis read an article about two years ago that helped him understand the relationship between sleep and obesity.  As you all know obesity is an epidemic in America and predicted to be worldwide in the next couples of decades.  In America it is not obesity that has become epidemic but also sleep deprivation.  As students we are well aware of how many hours a day we sleep.  Most of the time most of us are sleep deprived.  When we do not do what we are supposed to do or what nature requires us to do, our body has its own natural way of defending itself.  There are two important hormones in our body that maintain sleep and eating.  One is activated while we are awake while the other is activated while sleeping.  When we don’t sleep much, the hormone normally activated at night is shut off however the day hormone is activated causing us to eat too much.  Who has not ate ice cream or other types of foods at 2am. Well that is what we are talking about. 
So the take HOME message, is that work hard, accomplish a lot, but also watch out, your health is the most important thing, if there is no health, there is no hard work, therefore no accomplishment.  So here are few things you should do (they help me a lot), eat properly, sleep enough hours, exercise, and meditate (take quite times for yourself to think and focus on yourself, to digest what you have done all day, to bring your body, soul, and mind together). 
I hope this is helpful. I didn’t want to bore you guys with details of biology to explain the hormonal response in our body but if anybody is interested to read the whole article I would be happy to ask Addis and post it here. 
I CANNOT wait to see you guys tomorrow.  Robel will be leading discussion tomorrow.
Goodnight for now.

1 comment:

  1. Good Job Addis, you brought an important topic to share with the group. Tsige, this is a well written summary. No mistake, you are the real secretary. I am always with you my dear brothers and sisters.

